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About us


Our school belongs to association called AcidH that supports people with limited intelligence or also called borderline intellectual functioning.  Acidh is a referent in our country because is one of the few services in Spain that focusing on the integral attention to people with borderline intellectual functioning. It has a secondary school, after school activities services, like sports and leisure, adult school, vocational training, labor integration programs, housing facilities and guardianships. We offer an integral attention because we aim to increasing the capabilities leaving apart the disability of borderline intellectual functioning people and people with slight intellectual disability. In addition we focus our efforts on the families in social risk that are suffering this situation. We work to give an educational and therapeutic answer because in some cases the personal and social functioning can be affected by learning or personality disorders. In many times their maturational development and their learning potential is significantly less than expected for their ages. So that, the students end up adapting these low expectations and establishing a negative self-concept and self-esteem. Erasmus+, should be an opportunity to show that our students are able to be citizens and trainees with full rights.  They can enrich the learning process with exchanges and increase their self- confident. Our educative project is "alive" always because we are looking for new ways of growing and learning. We try to complete our educative project through training transversal skills.   

Erasmus +, could collaborate directly in our school objectives:

- Empowering the individual aptitudes, attitudes and abilities through experimental, dynamic, participatory and constructive methodologies.  

- The school acts like a social agent.

- Take part of the life around us. The school isn't a closed system. It takes part of the community in this case of European society.

Our inclusion model

The aim of our school is to provide to our students the supports necessary for success in educative world but also in their personal development, trying to maximize progress towards self-management and this way also towards social inclusion.

We contribute towards the social, emotional, cognitive and physic development of our students in a close collaboration of their families, providing a confidence environment where they can feel well accepted between equals and with learning expectations adjusted to their possibilities. The school intends stop the possible insulation process helping to create a right personal identity and a right relationship with the community.  The students meet with their equals so they belong to a group where they maintain relationships adapted to their own needs and circumstances. This is the essential experience to guarantee a right social and emotional development not just in the stage of adolescence but also in all their life.

Our project understand the inclusion concept through social acceptance that the supports that need our students are not just a curriculum revisions but also exist emotional and social needs to cover.

Participating in projects with other schools, we work the totally social inclusion of our students through cooperation methodology. Erasmus + is one of those great educational cooperation projects with the added value of educate the European students to be full citizens, regardless of their abilities, gender, race or belief and therefore educate them on equality and proactive citizenship in providing support to meet intermittent needs of Europe therefore of its citizens.

© 2023  The Gentle Teaching Experience. created  by ITT Malafarina- email

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